Websites where you can find Hackathons

Last Updated on 11 Nov 2021 by Ankur Gupta
5 mins read

A hackathon is a design sprint-like event; often, in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers, project managers, domain experts, and others collaborate intensively on software projects. 

There are various websites where you can see a list of hackathons, including both virtual and in-persion, in which you can participate mostly free of charge and recieve exciting prizes and goodies as well as getting a chance of learning something new.

Here are some of the websites where you can find such hackathons:

1. Devpost:

          Devpost is a platform that helps software engineers participate in software competitions. You can find a variety of virtual and in-person hackathons through here where you can win exciting prizes from the sponsers and build amazing things.

2. Devfolio:

Devfolio is the host of various community hackathons and especially if you want an hackathon to be focused on Fintech or blockchain etc, devfolio is a great platform to find such kind of hackathons as well as many other hackathons too.

3. Major League Hacking (MLH)

Though MLH also uses Devpost as a platform of organizing events, but you can also directly see a variety of hackathons hosted almost every week at the MLH website.

4. is a platform where you can find hackathons, projects created by hackers in the hackathons and network with other hackers as well with a variety of prizes and topics for everyone.


5. Eventbrite:

Not just for hackathons, but eventbrite is a website where you can find variety of events including meetups, tech-talks, other technological events and hackathons of course. Unlinke other websites, you can also find various non technical events in this website too but they have a nice filter to filter out the relevant events.


6. Hackerearth:

Hacker Earth not only gives you the opportunity to participate in hackathons but you can also get some job or internships oppportunities after participating and winning the hackathon.


Category: Events | General

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