My year in Review: 2021

Last Updated on 02 Jan 2022 by Ankur Gupta
10 mins read

Since I'm seeing a lot of year in Review posts for the conclusion of 2021, I felt like creating one myself too. So I obviously doesn't remember it all on a monthly basis, I'll try summing it all up point wise.

So here we go (Will be a long read I guess)-

- So I started my college in Nov 2020, so 2021 is kind of the year I basically got started full time with programming. I've had previous experiences, though this is the year I dedicated myself only to computers.
- I remember starting with the OSSU Curriculum, Well Currently I'm a bit behind the schedule, but I've completed some great courses, definitely worth it. Learnt about Python, BSL etc.
- Did some open source contributions, started with creating my own repositories, then I slowly begin to contribute in some beginner friendly repositories. Later on explored some open source programs, became a part of GSSOC, LGMSOC etc as a contributor.
- I mentored in various open source programs too later on, including GWOC, SWOC, ICC and DWOC.
- Started my own open source community, Semikolan we basically tried to create a community inclusive to all where folks can talk about anything related to computers and technology. We also promoted hackathons, open source development and such stuffs.
- Got selected as a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, this is one of the most defining and important event of the year, being an MLSA enabled me to open doors for Semikolan, motivated me to organize my own events and connected me with like minded fellows. 
- Later on I also became the part of our college's Google Student Developer Club under the ML/Cloud Team and currently also managing a lot under the same. I also got selected as an Android Study Jam Facilitator for the year.
- I hosted a lot of events under these communities. Including workshops on Git, Github and open source 1, 2 and more. I also hosted the Android Study Jam events and 10 Days of Open source event under GDSC.
- Also volunteered at a lot of other communities, including Mozilla Bhopal, CNCF Bhopal, Hackclub UIT RGPV and some other Campus programs of Skillenza, Angelhack, Binance etc. I also became a part of some Hackathons, such as Hack This Fall as an evangelist.
- Began to participate in Hackathons, our college's E-cell organized a hackathon at around the start of the year and that was when I got the team of my life, we won the second prize (INR 20k) by creating Hostocare, I also learnt flutter for the Application development and this team later on created Semikolan.
- I also participated in a lot of other hackathons, most of them were Major League Hackathons, received some swags in that too.
- Explored a lot of domains such as App Development (Flutter and Kotlin), Machine Learning (pytorch), DevOps (Got AZ-900 certified too), Blockchain (Solidity) and Game Development (Unity). Currently I'm mainly focused towards Flutter and Kotlin Development.
- Got a flutter internship at Verstile, created some applications for 2 month duration which are also live on Play Store currently. [1], [2] and more.
- Also currently working as an Android Developer (kotlin) Intern at Scogo
- Wrote some blogs on variety of topics at Semikolan blog, Also created some Youtube Videos on Open source, Flutter, General Programming etc at Semikolan YT Channel.
- I'm also a co-head at Asper, our college society. Worked on App Department throughout the year and now also mentoring juniors for the same.
- Got started with Freelancing too. Did some work on Flutter Development, Devops (Deployed some applications and websites) and some basic web Development stuff. Earned around 25k INR in Freelancing this year.
- Participated in Github Field Day India, this was just a one day event but still something that will remain in memory. Had a lot of fun that day and also received some amazing goodies and a food voucher. I also participated in various other Dev conferences this year.
- At last, meet some amazing folks including my batchmates, the Semikolan Co-founders, some amazing seniors and many people around different communities.

For this year, some of my wish list entries includes going deeper into Data Structures, Algorithms and Competitive Programming. (I'm 2 star rated in Codechef currently) Would also like to complete the internship I'm currently doing and just keep going :)
We also have some big plans for Semikolan, with lot more projects, a helpful and supportive community and some grand events.

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