How to install KALI LINUX in virtual box ?

Last Updated on 16 Nov 2021 by Satya Prakash Singh Rathour
5 mins read
  • FIrstly you have to install VirtualBox in your system. Oracle VM VirtualBox                         
  • Now after install Virtual Box you can see interface like this
  • And after that you have to follow the link and download ISO File image of Kali Linux

           Get Kali | Kali Linux

          here you can see the interface like this               


        *  Now on scroll down you there is an option for Virtual Box .


       now just click on Download Button near Yellow Dot.

       * After download that file just open your download section in yout computer and you can see           there is a your ISO File image now  just double click on this.


  • After that you will automatically directed to your Virtual Box and there is interface like this  and then click on import then you Kali Linux is ready to start.   
  • Now just simply Start your Kali Linux and Enjoy.  

Category: Short Hacks | Technology

Relavent Tags: Linux