All Tech events happening this month- Expedite February 2022

Last Updated on 07 Feb 2022 by SemiKolan
5 mins read

Here are the details of programs and events which are going to occur in February 2022:


  1. Open Force 2022:

    Openforce is a program by Codeflow where they will be connecting Open Source Contributors with Opensource Organisations with an initiative of 'OpenSource meets its Contributor Force!’. The aim will be empowering many tech enthusiasts by providing them with the platform of learning with resources.

    Registration at, closes on 28th Feb
  2. Girlscript Summer of Code:

    GirlScript Summer of Code is a 3-month long OpenSource  program by GirlScript Foundation.
    The timeline of the program is 1st March - 31st May 2022 and registration closes on 15th of Feb.

    Registration at
  3. JGEC Winter of Code:

    JWoC (JGEC Winter of Code) is a coding event organised annually by JGEC which helps students to plunge into Open Source contribution and get the realm of Software Development.

    The registrations are closed though the program is live at



  1. Don't go hacking my Heart: (11-13 Feb)

    Roses are red, Violets are blue
    We love hacking and so do you!
    So what are you waiting for? Join us this weekend to bring your favorite projects to life. Build awesome hacks and connect with hackers from around the world. It's a weekend full of celebrations, hacking, mini-events, workshops, and more!

    Registration at

  2. Hack The League (12-13 Feb)

    Hack the league envisions the empowering combination of technology and opportunities to generate practical solutions for real-world problems and produce an ever-increasing impact. 

    Registration at

  3. Storm Hacks (18-20 Feb)

    From February 18-20, 2022, StormHacks welcomes you to collaborate, create, and connect with a community of 500+ students across the globe. Over the course of 36 hours, you will have the opportunity to design and develop a project that tackles real-world problems with innovation and insight. If this is your first time attending a hackathon, don't worry—we'll have plenty of workshops and mentors to support you along the way.

    Registration at

  4. Electrothon (19-20 Feb)

    Electrothon is a student-run hackathon, under the aegis of the National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, India. An exceptional place for young and dedicated minds, a platform for organizations to meet a wide range of talented, and with over 1700+ registrations, Electrothon serves as a hub of ingenious ideas, innovation, entrepreneurship and technical skills.

    Registration at
  5. Abstract Hacks (25-27 Feb)

    Hosted by MLH hackathon is a 48-hour hackathon hosted every weekend in our community discord. Visit for more details about the ongoing hackathon.
    Keep an eye out on this space for more information about the theme.

    Registration at



  1. Women of Code 2022 by Learn For Cause:

    Learn for cause is organizing various initiatives for Women in Tech including hackathon, conference and a fellowship program. The last date to register for the Fellowship program is 10th of Feb.

    Check out all the details at



  1. Eduhub x Semikolan Abdul Bari Workshop:

    Eduhub with Semikolan presents you a workshop with Abdul Baro, CEO of NBH Infotech in which you will get a complete overview of DSA, how DSA benifit to a programmer and everything you need to know.
    The workshop will be help on 10th of Feb at 6 PM

    Register at
  2. Full Stack Squared:

    Presenting the flagship event of Devscript with Semikolan with a focus on Web3, Frontend and Backend Development. The conference is full of speakers from big tech companies and completely free to register.

    Register now at

  3. Harward WECode 2022:

    The eighth iteration of Women Engineers Code, the largest student-run Women in Computer Science conference in the United States for undergraduate female and non-binary students. Moreover you can avail a free scholarship too.

    Register now at

  4. Flutter Festivals from GDSCs:

    Google Developer Student Clubs from 14th of Feb will be starting a Flutter Festival, where you can get to know about flutter with various workshops and everything you need. More details to be out soon.


Category: Expedite | DevTalks

Relavent Tags: Expedite, Semikolan-devtalks, Tech-events