How to change Terminal theme in VS-Code

Last Updated on 11 Jun 2022 by Satya Prakash Singh Rathour
10 mins read

Change terminal theme in VS-Code.

This blog is about how to change the VS-Code terminal theme.


  1. First of all open your VS-Code and press Ctrl + Shift + P and type setting you will get this type of popup.


  click on the first Tab.

 2. Then you get this type of interface.



3 . Now just go to the link VS-Code terminal themes

after a click on the above link, you will get this type of interface. Then just click on the Copy to clipboard button this is actually a set of color codes for your selected themes and then paste in your

setting.json file in VS-Code in below formate.

"workbench.colorCustomizations": { // Put your color code inside workbench.colorCustomizations
    "terminal.background": "#000000",
    "terminal.foreground": "#33FF00",
    "terminalCursor.background": "#FF0000",
    "terminalCursor.foreground": "#00FFFF",
    "terminal.ansiBlack": "#050505",
    "terminal.ansiBlue": "#0066FF",
    "terminal.ansiBrightBlack": "#808080",
    "terminal.ansiBrightBlue": "#0066FF",
    "terminal.ansiBrightCyan": "#00FFFF",
    "terminal.ansiBrightGreen": "#33FF00",
    "terminal.ansiBrightMagenta": "#CC00FF",
    "terminal.ansiBrightRed": "#FF0000",
    "terminal.ansiBrightWhite": "#FFFFFF",
    "terminal.ansiBrightYellow": "#00FFFF",
    "terminal.ansiCyan": "#00FFFF",
    "terminal.ansiGreen": "#33FF00",
    "terminal.ansiMagenta": "#CC00FF",
    "terminal.ansiRed": "#FF0000",
    "terminal.ansiWhite": "#D0D0D0",
    "terminal.ansiYellow": "#FF0099"











Category: Hacks | Web Development

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