How to Hack Almost Anything using single Line

Last Updated on 21 Aug 2021 by Harsh Vishwakarma
6 mins read

In this video, we are going to know how we can hack almost anything using a single line. 

So in the very beginning, lemme clarify that the activity we are going to perform is not the actual hacking you may be thinking about. Although It's just a fun activity. So let us start directly by performing the action

Injecting our Code

To inject you don't need any hacking tool or any other software. You just have to copy the code below and paste it directly in replacement of the URL of the webpage you want to target.

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

While copy-pasting the code don't forget to write javascript: in the beginning on your own because the javascript: will not get pasted to your URL so you have to do it manually.

And here all magic begins. Now you will not see any change in the screen but now you can actually edit anything present on your screen. Just click on any text and start typing whatever you want then you will see that the actual content is changed. And this is how you can change content of almost eacy and every website.

Let's Be Practical

Lets tryout this cool on some amazing top famous sites. 
Here we've created our custom sales on keyboards, where all keyboards are priced at just Rs 1.


Here we've Hacked NASA and promoted ourself

This is how you can hack almost eacy and every website. Now let us understand what is actually behind

What's Behind


Category: Hacks | Web Development

Relavent Tags: Youtube, General, Hacking, JavaScript, Web Development, Trick